Wednesday, April 3, 2013

DDF Therapeutic Sulfur Mask vs Joesoef Natural Sulfur Soap 10%

Compare ddf therapeutic Sulfur Mask for acne skin.   Joesoef Skin Care Sulfur 6.6% Acne Drying Lotion a 100% effective acne treatment.  Natural volcanic sulfur well known anti bacterial, anti fungal and antiseptic property used to treat Acne skin condition.  For centuries people traveled 100's of miles to volcanic sulfur springs around to the world to treat their various skin aliments by submerging their bodies and bathing the the Sulfur springs.
Today Joesoef Skin Care has harnessed the natural healing power of Sulfur for acne.  The Sulfur 6.6% Acne drying lotion is applied sparingly using only a one drop on a cotton Q-tip.
sulfur-acne-drying-lotion  sulfur-mask-for-acne   

For Best Results be sure to First cleanse face and body with Joesoef Skin Care Sulfur Soap 10% using warm water, allow 60 seconds before rinse then gently pat dry.  Next Shake bottle of Sulfur 6.6% well then with a cotton Q-tip apply 1 -2 drops to the tip and apply directly to the Affected Skin Area Only by gently dabbing on pimple, acne, blemishes ect. Allow to dry and leave on over night.
For more information visit